
Unplug, Don’t Drug – Screen for screens first!

You’re a health professional who over the past decade has witnessed firsthand the explosion of child and youth mental and physical disorders.

You’ve been unknowingly misdiagnosing these conditions as mental and physical conditions without first assessing and treating for screen overuse/addiction. You want to learn how to “screen for screens” and be able to determine a treatment trajectory which matches the severity of your client’s screen related issues.

You want to switch your focus from ‘diagnose and drug’ to ‘unplug’. We can help you.


Teachers and Schools

The Learning Paradox – The more you use screens, the less likely students learn.

You’re an education professional who over the past decade has witnessed firsthand the explosion of child and youth social, emotional and cognitive disorders. Despite declining academic performance, you’ve been using more and more screen-based curriculum, especially with students who exhibit problematic behaviors.

You’re concerned that screen usage is largely unsupervised, allowing students unrestricted access to harmful content. You were unaware that 96% of education technology harvests student data without permission. You are concerned about government pushing and funding only digital curriculum.

You want to go back to teaching the basics using standardized and time-tested, research evidenced methods which ensure students achieve literacy and academic success. You are in a bind as to what to do and how. We can help you.

Government and Politicians

The Time to Act is Now – Mandate, educate, legislate, regulate

You work for a government organization or are a politician and are concerned about declining child and family health, wellness and school/work performance. You’ve compiled and studied past and current research and meta-analyses showing strong associations between high screen usage and a host of child, youth and adult mental, physical, social, emotional and cognitive disorders.

While your mandate is to educate the public regarding these detrimental effects, as well as legislate/regulate the technology industry, it’s all just moving too fast…and now there’s AI. You understand the need for mass scale public education, but your staff aren’t adequately up on the research to move toward policy and initiative implementation.

How can you fast track not only acquisition of current research, but also provide training on wide scale policy and initiative implementation? We can help you.

Technology Industry

Do No Harm – Textbooks and playgrounds are much cheaper than lawyers.

You work for or own a screen-based technology company which might be entertainment or educational in design. You have read in the media mounting research showing mental, physical, social, emotional and cognitive harm associated with screen technologies. You may not be aware that some of these harms can be permanent and worsen with time.

Reparation steps to reverse harm caused by screen overuse on children’s brains and bodies can be immediate and highly effective.

Families require urgent access to screen addiction services including peer support networks, counselling and in/outpatient treatment programs. Schools require textbooks, encyclopedias, gym equipment and challenging playgrounds. Workplaces require social areas, gym equipment and counselling. Communities require free recreation centers and transit, nature parks and family gathering spaces. 

Litigation is costly. Tech industry liability and complicity are obvious. We can help you. We can connect your company to families and schools who are in desperate need of your help.


Clinician Collaboration – You can’t do what you don’t know.

You are a graduate student or already executing a research project on the impact of screen-based technologies on children and youth. While you hold extensive knowledge in your specific field of study, you may lack a comprehensive view of the enormity of impact domains screens have on children including mental, physical, social, emotional and cognitive. One example of a ‘research hole’ is  research on short and long-term effects of overstimulation of the brain and cardiovascular system in young children, as incidence of strokes and heart attacks grow younger each year.

You may lack the onsite ‘field experience’ needed to plan, implement and complete your study, due to limited access to parents, teachers and clinicians. We can help you. We can connect your researchers to clinicians working in the field of your study so that you are informed about current conditions which require urgent attention by health and education professionals.

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